FTA: The vaccine, while triggering an immune response, DID NOT STOP the virus from entering every organ in the body. The viral RNA was found in virtually every organ in the body, which means the spike proteins as well. There are antibodies (like the “vaccine” is supposed to create) but they’re irrelevant because, based on a study from Japan, we now know that the spike S1 protein is what does the damage. According to the published postmortem report, the vaccinated man was 86 years old and tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19 when first admitted to the hospital with severe gastro-intestinal trouble and difficulty breathing...So the damage to the organs of the now dead vaccine recipient, took place BEFORE he was infected with COVID by the other hospital room patient. Worse, once the vaccinated man actually got COVID, it spread so fast within his body, he apparently never stood a chance.
There is a lot more info in the article.
Good work. I was just wondering if you were referring to Hal Turner because I know his history.