Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its also an harder shot than ground level. Elevation can throw off a novice because bullet drop isn't the same as shooting from lower down.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've seen some fairly clear images of the tower, that were supposedly taken at the time of the shooting. There was no black iimage at the top, and in my opinion that would be the least likely spot the sniper would have been in.

It would take much longer to get down from up there than it would the walkaway around the tower, and much easier to spot than laying on the walkway. Also often the high you get off the ground the more wind, and wind is the devil for a long range shooter.

Oblakhan 41 points ago +41 / -0

He should. I believe he'll have a position in the Trump administration. I think the released audio tape pretty much confirms that a position will be offered.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

When ever you go to see a doctor if you are older most of them are required by the hospital they use for their patients to ask if you would consider a statin. It is a Medicare rule they must follow, and the hospitals enforce it on the doctors.

I have always said no, and let my doc know exactly what I thought about them. My last visit after the mandated question, and the firm no. The doc told me there had been studies done that showed taking 4000 mg of fish oil had proven just as effective at reducing cholesterol as a statin, and not liver damage.

I had already been taking 2000 mg, and adding a couple more a day was no issue although I doubt I needed it since I have never had high cholesterol.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does have a lot of things close to what the drops were exposing, and it uses some pics and news info that shows modern real politicians. It started September 2011, and ended in June 2016.

I'd say it could have been a prep for the introducing the people the corruption exposed in the drops. I don't think the blackhats are the only ones that know how to prepare a narrative.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've been watching the series on Prime called Person of Interest starring Jim Caviezel.

Came across an interesting scene in Season 1 Episode 12 (I think) when John walked into the study with Finch he picked up a book that was laying face down on top of books in the book rack, and took a piece of paper out of it.

The book name? Ghost in the Machine!

There are a lot of references in the series to the corruption of local cops, the FBI, and CIA. Caviezel's role is that of a disillusioned ex-CIA agent that began questioning their role of assassinating people across the world. Considering his role in Sound of Freedom this role seems to tie right in.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Me too, and more than one. I have also given a number of guns to my sons. That is just a strange action for a dad. Most would want their sons to get their guns even if it is after their death.

Oblakhan 29 points ago +29 / -0

Many bugs are sources of parasites.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

We know him as Vincent, but Trump said, "everyone but Richard will live, Richard will stay". Does Trump know him by a different name?

Oblakhan 11 points ago +13 / -2

He acted more like a part of the security team than just a spectator.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you take idodine? Over 80% of the people in this country are iodine deficient since they removed iodine from bread and substituted the poison bromine.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Uniparty member.

Uniparty is the party of pedophiles and other blackmailed trash. Without the blackmail and bribery we might still have a two party system, but it will take a great effort to stop them from creating new honeypots like Epstein Island.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

He knows he can't just call out 'muh chosen'. The sheeple and their controllers would be screaming antisemite to the rooftops. Israel for last has to be slow and methodical until the people realize who has been running their country into the ground for decades.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sign was being held by a kid down below her. I have seen the video slowed down and you can clearly see she is not holding the sign.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cesspool: The turds are singing the same song so none can hear anything else. They probably have a shit load of bots singing along.

Oblakhan 7 points ago +7 / -0

A nuke in the Yellowstone Caldera would destroy a huge swath of the United States. We are as vulnerable there as China is at the Three Gorges Dam.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

She has one advantage. She isn't an old white guy, and the race card becomes a factor again, and a bunch of dumb cunts will vote for her just to try to get a woman President.

The race card worked to put the Kenyan bastard in place, and the woman President card would have worked if the whitehats hadn't stopped the anticipated flood of big city crooked votes for Hillary.

They haven't given up on cheating by a long shot.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently Cheatle decided it was best for her to run for cover. I do think the FBI and SS were in on the shooting, but I have my doubts DEI Cheatle knows anything about it. She had no experience and likely no clue to question what others were doing or asking her to do.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The analysis that showed she may have smiled at someone in the crowd didn't jump to this conclusion, but when they showed that smile she was facing in the direction of the other man that reacted the same as she did.

In my opinion the cameraman that caught the bullet in flight and the woman were there for the deep state cabal. They wanted video of Trump's head exploding. They wanted to rub the patriots nose in their victory and push fear into those that would resist their agenda.

Worse comes to worse the people will have to hunt down the hidden enemy.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

First three shots muffled. Shots from inside the second story building behind Crooks.

Next three maybe four shots rushed adrenaline fueled rapid fire. That kind of shooting lacks accuracy. I could believe those came from Crooks. Martenson said that kind of pace showed a pro. I don't think that is necessarily true. It just takes someone so hyped up they are spraying and praying. You can't even imagine how fast you can empty a mag unless you've been there.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the same. it is just time for actor Biden to leave the stage whether than be by the Dems removing him or him supposedly dying doesn't matter. Which ever it is builds more suspicion of the Dems.

The numbers of NPCs is dropping. Everyone is becoming a conspiracy theorist. Our crooked politicos have lost the trust of the people.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

They also keyed in on Fusca. His reaction was calm, but I believe Fusca was scanning the crowd for a close in shooter. I don't think we really know who this guy is. I don't think he is JFK Jr, but he is some how connected to the whitehats in my opinion.

They need to find that woman. In my opinion she was there to film the shooting. Spidey giving her a pass because she was just there to film Trump doesn't fly. I'll make the jump to conclusion he doesn't. If she was there just to film Trump why was she not filming when he first started speaking and why was she not concerned about the sign being in her way at that time? She didn't have the phone up until the shooting started.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The military could run the election. Military is the only way.

Be a great point to round up a lot of illegal invaders that are trying to vote.

"You go into that booth right there", "yeah the one in the back of the truck". kek

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

His photo op should have included the window in the two story building behind that one where the real snipers were hidden.

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