was at a park in NorCal today with my kids. some grandma was there maskless with her 2 grandkids. she kept telling them to put their masks on!!! it's like 90some degrees at a park outside. took everything in me not to tell her she was a fucking idiot and a total bitch for making them run and climb in those while she sits in the shade maskless. saw another kid yesterday at same park in a hat, mask, sunglasses and GLOVES! his parents were maskless. fucking unreal. UNREAL
was at a park in NorCal today with my kids. some grandma was there maskless with her 2 grandkids. she kept telling them to put their masks on!!! it's like 90some degrees at a park outside. took everything in me not to tell her she was a fucking idiot and a total bitch for making them run and climb in those while she sits in the shade maskless. saw another kid yesterday at same park in a hat, mask, sunglasses and GLOVES! his parents were maskless. fucking unreal. UNREAL