What IS fascinating is how much we are ALL learning about our grand Constitution-reading the proper interpretations of each Amendment, will broaden our knowledge and end up making us all better and more responsible voting citizens. Pray this lasts more than a generation.. ?
You can stay in the box and be boxed in.
Or you can step out and see outside of the box.
You have free will.
Let pedovampires and lizardoreptilians tell you how to think.
Let fArT checkers tell you what's true.
Your choice.
I bend my knee to God only.
Stay free as a bird .. Birds don't ask "when is my next meal" God provides..
What IS fascinating is how much we are ALL learning about our grand Constitution-reading the proper interpretations of each Amendment, will broaden our knowledge and end up making us all better and more responsible voting citizens. Pray this lasts more than a generation.. ?