He has claimed warp speed as his. No time for the results of human long term effects. He owns this one. No, I’m not a shill. We all have heard the words out of his mouth and I’m not going to make excuses for him, not even 5D chess. So, I hope in the future it makes sense, but it sure as hell looks to me that this is FUBAR.
He has claimed warp speed as his. No time for the results of human long term effects. He owns this one. No, I’m not a shill. We all have heard the words out of his mouth and I’m not going to make excuses for him, not even 5D chess. So, I hope in the future it makes sense, but it sure as hell looks to me that this is FUBAR.
Victim mentality.
Not a diss.
We all have been indoctrinated to pass responsibility for our choices onto someone else.
The greatest of God's gifts: a free will has been turned upside down and some can't get out from under the spell.
Like Nigan in Walking Dead
Illusion of not having a choice.