There is absolutely a sound logic behind the theory that Black-hats wanted to lock us down for quite a few years prior to releasing a vaccine, which many would be desperate for by then, thus also easily mandated.
I can buy the version that 'Warp Speed' was a chess move in order to make mandating hard, if not impossible to enforce.
A countermove from the B-hats/DS would then be to release 'vaccines' that are basically saline in order to give the population a sense of safety and normalcy.
I am willing to entertain the idea of white hats contaminating SOME of these early 'vaccines' in order to create enough commotion around them that they're simply not just widely accepted and almost impossible to mandate now or at a later point in time.
This would surely cause casualties among the innocent, however; mainly in those voluntarily getting stung. If this is war (which I do believe), some very unfair casualties are sadly unavoidable, however; the damage done is less than if we were to live locked down for 3+ years prior to facing mandated jabs and included sanctions towards those who don't comply.
But then again; what do I know.
Forever unmasked and unjabbed, though.
There is absolutely a sound logic behind the theory that Black-hats wanted to lock us down for quite a few years prior to releasing a vaccine, which many would be desperate for by then, thus also easily mandated.
I can buy the version that 'Warp Speed' was a chess move in order to make mandating hard, if not impossible to enforce.
A countermove from the B-hats/DS would then be to release 'vaccines' that are basically saline in order to give the population a sense of safety and normalcy.
I am willing to entertain the idea of white hats contaminating SOME of these early 'vaccines' in order to create enough commotion around them that they're simply not just widely accepted and almost impossible to mandate now or at a later point in time.
This would surely cause casualties among the innocent, however; mainly in those voluntarily getting stung. If this is war (which I do believe), some very unfair casualties are sadly unavoidable, however; the damage done is less than if we were to live locked down for 3+ years prior to facing mandated jabs and included sanctions towards those who don't comply.
But then again; what do I know. Forever unmasked and unjabbed, though.