I can't take wearing a mask or seeing others in stupid ass face diapers. I'm so sick of faceless weirdos. I just got back from the Midwest and people are acting normal there. Come here and the masks are fricken nomalized. It makes me SICK! People masking thier children etc. I want out of CA for my mental health but I cannot move right now due to several circumstances. I am so depressed right now. I feel F*cking trapped with no way out. Cant work without a fricken face diaper but the face diapers give me anxiety and panic attacks after so long. Im sorry if thats dramatic but like I said, I do have legit mental problems.
Anyone else feeling the same and do you have any advice? I'm having trouble even leaving my house because I'm sick of the overwhelming crowds here that get worse every year, even though I was born and raised here, and just the mass stupidity. I hate feeling trapped. I need to live in a small town in the country somewhere. But I'm stuck here for now. Okay sorry about this rant. Just needed to get stuff off my chest.
San Diego county here, just recently quit my second job because I figured the mask thing wouldn’t let up (Grocery/retail so the mask is mandatory to work). Just biding my time until I can move to AZ or NV. The amount of ignorance in California has reached absurd levels.
I’m in San Diego I have disabled daughter and for many reasons I need to fill out a vax card .a pdf was posted on here a while back of the blank card to fill out ..do u by any chance have a copy ..for many reasons I can’t move to Az or Florida , doing the card is not the best everyone says to fight it , I have been but having it would stop on3 of my battles ty