Serious question. I have had three family members freak out at me unprovoked over some weird shit the last few weeks, and customers at work are literally on edge, bat shit crazy, seemingly losing their minds and unable to control their rage over the dumbest shit.
Now, the weird part is that the lockdowns are ending in most regions. Does everyone have some kind of PTSD, or are vaxxed people starting to lose it or be controlled by whatever is in that shit?
Anyone else who works in customer service noticing this?
Maybe, maybe not. People today are also just mentally weak.
We’ve become comfortable and soft. We haven’t faced real hardship since the Great Depression and World War 2.
I expect many people to commit suicide in the coming year as the truth continues to come out about everything and the GME squeeze and Silver squeeze come to fruition. It will mentally break a lot of normies and NPC’s. They will feel so stupid that they won’t be able to cope with it.
Many people have no idea that the market will crash soon from GME and unleash silver thus killing the dollar. Lots of people are going to lose everything, my Dad included. I have bought as much GME and Silver as I can to save my family from the storm.
Even those of us who are fully awake will be scared for a bit.
I expect the storm to be on biblical proportions.
We are at war and this is not a game.
Don’t rub it into people’s faces making yourself a target and causing more division. Yes many of us will be happy when we become wealthy from GME and Silver and many of us will be happy to be vindicated. Trust me I have been awake for 10 years.
A large amount of the population has absolutely no clue what is about to happen. We need as many level headed God fearing Patriots helping our family and friends understand what is going on.
Raise the flag, say the pledge and send a prayer.
God Bless Frens. The storm is coming soon.
I am thinking of leaving. My life is here also and I am hoping that when this is all over it won’t be as bad.
Can you explain more about GME and silver? How will people get rich from them?
Read the MOASS thesis. r/superstonk and r/wallstreetsilver can give you all the info you need.