Go woke, go broke. As a woman I find this whole "redefining femininity" very insulting.
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I am so sick of this world. It is all disgusting. People can call me transphobic all they want but it is just too much against my views. These people are not women, they have never experienced a menstrual cycle in their lives and they cannot have a baby. I am tired of them trying to take away our uniqueness. Victoria's secret is too expensive anyways, no point in paying a ton of money for something my bf is just going to rip off in 2 minutes
Toxic masculinity also pisses me just as much, there is nothing wrong with being a masculine dude.
I completely agree! I know some leftists that are opposed to transgenderism. My boyfriend is a former leftist, red-pilled by me. We had this discussion before I flipped him, even he said transgenderism was disturbing and a mental illness before he came to the good side
Most of us spend years trying to redpill people.
It sounds like you flipped him as if it were next on your todo list one day!
You're effective!