REALLY?? ? ?
?? Theory ??
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Firstly, God's covenant with the Jews was to bring Messiah from the line of Abraham. God fulfilled his covenant with the birth, death, and resurrection of Messiah. Messiah gave us the new covenant, through his blood, that it would cover the sins of those who would believe in him. But, just because Messiah fulfilled the covenant with the Jews does not mean he doesn't still honor the promises he has made to Abraham and to Israel.
He repays blessings and curses that are brought on Israel in kind. For instance, the Nazis sought to destroy Israel and for that he crushed them. In turn, the US helped Israel militarily and economically. After the war, the US has been the greatest economic and military power in the world. Of course, now we understand how corrupt our system has really been.
Clearly, Israel has a special place in God's heart and I would caution any who would see harm on that nation as you are inviting God's wrath, imo.
I'm Jewish, like a lot of the win boards, though sometimes it attracts anti-Semites and that gets depressing.
But I saw an article -- just today -- from Natan Sharansky.
Natan Sharansky is a jewish human rights activist -- the real deal, not the SJW losers. In the Soviet Union. He sent time in the Soviet gulags.
He came up with a name for the left-wing Jews who can't even support Israel. He calls them "UnJews".
(Yeah, I saw the article on the Daily Wire, but it's still worth a look)
Anyway, the trouble that Jews get into is a temptation that the whole world gets into: Idolatry. Worshipping something other than G-d. There was the golden calf. There was the statues of Ba'al. There was Communism. Now it's Communism mixed with this Wokester crap.
It's not all the Jews. But there's always a percentage that goes off. Jews do far better when we are faithful to G-d. When we go off to idolatry, G-d punishes us. The Holocaust was just one punishment out of many.
The whole deal is explained in Deuteronomy 28.
To other peoples go off to worship idolatries? Yes. But I think the divine punishment is harsher for the Jews, thanks to the covenant of G-d. It's like signing a contract with the boss. "If you do well, I'll give you some special bonuses. If you do poorly, you won't just be fired, I'll be sending you to prison. If you don't sign this contract, then you'll get no bonuses, and if you do poorly, you'll just be fired, you won't go to prison."
That's my take on it anyway, in the Divine angle.
Yes, this is how ive been brought up to see it as well.
The coming of Jesus did not remove Jews from the Covenant, but extended coverage to Gentiles now, without the yoke. However, as Gentiles, we don't get the perks, or excessive....fines/disciplines.
I'm kinda curious how Jews for Jesus works. Is that just Jews migrating to the new contract, leaving the old Covenant? IDK if they're sticking to the Covenant tenets, and are therefore covered by both, or is it more just recognition of who He was/is and the implications for the rest of the world?
It's always kind of shaky ground to ask what Jews think about Jesus. The reason being, Jesus is a central religious figure in another religion. You may even say, a rival religion. It's akin to asking Christians what they believe about Mohammad. Or Joseph Smith. Probably more so than asking about Zeus. Because Zeus had nothing to say about Judaism or Christianity. Mohammad and Joseph Smith had a considerable amount to say, as did Jesus with Judaism.
You might also ponder, if you were living in a Muslim country where disrespecting the prophet Mohammad was punishable by death, and then a Muslim asked you what you thought of Mohammad, if Mohammad's comments on Jesus were correct -- what's the answer then?
Anyway, in essence, Judaism takes it that though Jesus may have been an insightful Rabbi, and he may well have had some good ideas, and he very well may have made a lot of the established and probably corrupt powers of his time very angry with him (The Romans, maybe even the Sanhedrin and other established Jews of Israel at that time) it doesn't extend that he was the messiah or the Son of G-d.
Problem with the Messiah is in Jewish belief (Christian definition may differ with this) is that the Messiah will bring universal knowledge of G-d, rebuild the temple, and establish peace on Earth.)
I could make an argument that Jesus contributed mightily to the first one, as Christianity spread across the globe much more effectively than Judaism has. The other two, however, not so much. In fact, Jesus was living in the wrong era to rebuild the temple, as the second temple was still standing during his life time.
The son of G-d however doesn't make any sense in Jewish theology. It sounds like the kind of insert to appeal to the pagans. After all, we often did hear about how Zeus would have a son of so-and-so.
Funny thing... when I read the Gospels myself, I noticed Jesus usually referred to himself as "Son of Man" not "Son of G-d."
The general judgment of righteousness in Judaism is that all people are responsible for the seven laws of Noah. Jews have additional commandments, 613 in total, to follow. But a non-Jew who follows the seven Noahide laws is considered among the righteous. If Christianity helps them do that, that's a good thing.
Another interesting point: There is a concept in Judaism called "Teshuvah" which is a method of repentance. You acknowledge you sinned, you make rectifications for that sin, you vow never to repeat that sin. (And maybe you never do, though people do relapse). If you do this, the sin is erased from the slate. Forgiven. Christianity has a very similar concept to this, except instead of Teshuvah it's called giving yourself to Jesus. But I think the mechanism is pretty much the same. (I imagine someone who gives themselves to Jesus to clean themselves of sin would have to acknowledge the sin, make rectification, and vow never to repeat it. Christians probably wouldn't think much of someone who said: "Yeah, I stole the money. I admit it. I'm forgiven. But I'm keeping it and I plan to steal again." Such a "confession" would be insincere.).
Does that help?
As far as the opinion regarding Jews are concerned, I think you're referring to the Khazarian Mafia thread, this being that Khazarians infiltrated Judaism and that a large portion of those professing to be Jews do so falsely. Search the board for khazar or km and you'll find a few posts with more info and links.
Another thread for the country of Israel bribing our country's politicians and receiving the fruits of our labor in copious quantities. Many people conflate Israel with Judaism, and obviously they're related, but still not the same.
'Course anybody can hate anyone else for any other reason, or none, so there's that.
Ok boomer
FYI, secular or even religious jews are not gods chosen people, Christians are.
As far as the thread about communism vs fascism, Search the board for "cabal history" and bear in mind that most of it posits that the same KM triggered the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and were preparing to repeat this across Europe. Regardless of der Fuhrer's other acts, he was consistently very opposed to communism, gaining him much support in Germany and many other countries close to the USSR. Patton opposed communism as well.