Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

My comment about Taiwan was a bit flippant. Could happen, but I doubt it.

My opinion, since Russia's Ukraine operation started, has always been that Trump talking about China invading Taiwan after the last Olympics was pure misdirection from Trump to distract from Ukraine, which still hadn't happened. Just like Q talked about Hillary's arrest in the US right before the purge in Saudi Arabia. Look here not there.

But now that we have another Olympics, maybe he meant it literally. I don't think so, because he was very public when he stated it at that time, it was heavy with context of Beijing hosting them, and if Trump were to come back now and say "yeah, I meant the 2024 Olympics" it would seem insincere to me.

Even so, I wouldn't be surprised if China threatens war with the US over Taiwan as part of the WW3 preamble that Trump will prevent, and that this may happen very soon. It may be a very large and scary threat, but I don't believe there will be a large kinetic war from China over Taiwan. If they really want to take it, China's best military strategy is to use their traditional strength of civilian subterfuge.

Or take over the US that way first and then Taiwan, which seems to have been part of the plan before Q and those meddling white hats got involved.

Those are my thoughts, but I'm far from an expert.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

If it's a comm, it would seem to be against globalism, and an indicator that these Olympics will be a disaster. And the driving rain during the ceremony only adds to the effect.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all worth saving, my fren. From the redwood forest to the gulfstream waters, from the green hotdogs to the white clam chowda.

God bless.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll be saying a prayer for you. Also suggest that you give it to the Lord in prayer. He has a way of making it work beyond our understanding.

Mr_A 6 points ago +6 / -0

Definitely different guy. Vincent is wearing a black hat. And there's a different guy with a camo green hat who does exactly what Trump describes.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty comprehensive list. Only thing to add is the criminal gang mafias.

Mr_A 10 points ago +10 / -0

Assuming Joe's speech was prerecorded

That's exactly the point, because it was advertised as a live speech.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a guy in L.A. who robbed banks using a mask based on a real person in order to frame him. It was many years ago, and I don't have the links. The other guy (non- robber) was arrested, but there were enough robberies that he had provable alibis. Not sure how they caught the bad guy, but they did somehow.

Edit: actually here's a link. 2010. And the robber was an illegal alien. https://youtu.be/K9MB8zzipmk

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just don't get any funny ideas about where to park your caboose!

Mr_A 6 points ago +6 / -0

Condolences for your loss.

Battles of the heart can be lonely. I'm glad you had the strength and the willingness to help him through his path to forgiveness. God bless.

Mr_A 16 points ago +16 / -0

I believe that sacrificing the son was directly related to the money and fame. That's my understanding of how the cabal system works, anyway. The son may have been knowingly given to another family for that purpose.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

If a muffin slams onto a table in a room full of democrat voters, did it make a sound?

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could've been an actor. AI would've performed much better.

If this theory is true, actors would make sense for occasional live appearances, especially with little dialog. And this jives with all the very mindful handlers.

Mr_A 7 points ago +7 / -0

So is he going to be buried at sea like Bin Laden? That's the only way things could get even more scurrilous.

Also, I never figured Carter would outlast Biden. But who the heck knows what's going on anyway?

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

We aRe With You.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

I present to you plans for The Biden Presidential Library.

Right now it's just an image. If you steal it, it may become a real meme. Feel free to steal, spread, spindle and mutilate, especially if you improve it.

I requested this meme a few weeks ago, but nobody stepped up and I still wanted to see it, despite having graphic skills somewhere near absolute zero. But a visit to a free AI image generator, and ¡ouilá!

If you have skills to make it better, here is what the AI wouldn't or couldn't do: wouldn't let me put the word "Biden" anywhere as it violated content policy; somehow couldn't make any empty spaces on the bookshelf despite repeated commands; couldn't manage to make the book titles legible. I wanted a few specific books, and suggest these to anybody that wants to make it better: My Time in The Roman Senate by Joe Biden; The Rise and Fall of CornPop; The 10 Percent Solution: Live Large from your Basement and due to recent news Et Tu, Barakus? might be a good addition. Lots more opportunities on book titles, but couldn't get AI to focus without a paid subscription.

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