Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for posting this; I am happy to learn about this prophet as well as hearing about the YT channel.

Parts of this appear to mesh well with Kim Clement's words about Russia as well.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are easy to spot, because it's like a sewer drain turned into a stovetop gas burner.

This is not on fire, but it's a similar phenomenon. https://youtu.be/U4fU01KjeyA

Sometimes this happens with methane.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm smooth-brained too, but I learned a few things about British and European bean counting that will affect your calculations. In the US, after 999 million you get a billion, but in the UK you get a thousand million. So in the UK you don't get a UK billion until after 999 thousand millions. In other words, a US billion is 1,000,000,000 but a UK billion is 1,000,000,000,000. That's 3 more significant digits.

I'm not sure how it translates when you go to trillions or higher.

Anyway, be aware of that whenever you see columns that say (in billions) or when numbers are spelled out in words instead of in numerals, but it's worth accounting for.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should check out the first few entries on www.devolution.link if you haven't seen them already.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire Biden administration has been fake: a sting operation to catch all the corrupt players, who thought they had gotten relief from Trump's anti-corruption work and a clear path for more grifting. Instead they were being recorded just as they headed for the trough.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the ol' prosthetic hologram-foot trick. 📽️👟 😁

Some people were saying it was a video compression glitch common with that type of flooring, and I'm not expert enough to know, but it looked fake to me.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kyle Rittenhouse. Yeah, glitches all over that trial.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Two different days of filming to produce the best edits, with a few mistakes in the continuity category.

Mr_A 11 points ago +11 / -0

They can; they don't. Look up the "ridiculously resilient ridge" which has been used to deny normal rainfall to California.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Walking around town with a blowtorch testing random spots near the burn zones sounds like a bad idea, bro.

But if you google "methane fires" and "Hollywood" or "la brea" or "inglewood" you'll find utube video of spots that have large flammable deposits underneath ... not where the fires were, though. These spontaneously catch fire every few years, and it's pretty weird.

There could be all kinds of ways they planned for it, but severely cutting fire department funding, delaying maintenance (there was a whole reservoir offline for 2 years in the palisades), draining water reserves and high winds, all it takes is a match.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, I don't think it's in the cards either way. But the only way to become a state under the US constitution is for a representative government of a defined area to apply to Congress for statehood and be approved by Congress. I can't imagine the entire country of Canada wanting to be one U.S. state, so it's either a bunch of statehood applications or none at all, if Canada becomes part of the U.S. at all.

I think it's more likely that the United Party of Canada comes out of nowhere to do its own table-turning reform of the country and becomes U.S.A.-aligned. Let's see what happens. I'm sure we're all in for surprises along the way.

Mr_A 7 points ago +7 / -0

Being a territory is not a consolation prize: it's the route to statehood. Aside from the original 13 states, every other state was a territory first. No reason at all that Canada couldn't be as many separate states, just like the Louisiana Purchase was handled. It's a solid path that respects self-determination and regional determination and autonomy.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fire - and state money to illegals. Bold headliners.

The info is everywhere if you look, but the "in your face" is at every supermarket. https://files.catbox.moe/61yrvm.jpg

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that's how it's done in crunch time. The whole photo essay is dramatic.

Hope it was enough for him and his house. Rugged individualism is the way to be, but a community of individualists is even better.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's exaggerating, the same way it would be an exaggeration to say your house is on fire when it's really just one room... not sure it's worth a debate.

As enormous as L.A. is, there's not anyplace in L.A. where you can't smell the smoke, and most places you can see it as well.

Mr_A 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's definitely worth trying, and can be successful, depending on the conditions. Average people don't think that far ahead, and in average fires they don't need to: the fire department is enough to save the home.

But there is a sizeable minority of people who plan as you suggest. There were some videos of people defending their homes from the current fires like you say, but ultimately having to leave due to being overwhelmed by the smoke and the winds. I'm sure more bodies will be found in the rubble, of people who tried it this time around as well. And I'm sure that some homes were saved by some people that stayed behind, but the media is concentrating on other stories still.

I know a couple that successfully defended their Malibu homes from many fires over the years. They bought in Malibu decades ago when it was a rural lifestyle and no more expensive than Oxnard or Camarillo, long before movie stars moved in with their helipads. Sadly, they attempted this defense in the fires in 2020 and were rescued unconscious in their car as they tried to escape, losing their lives a short time later.

There is also a company selling some sort of deployable slime that will cover a building in fireproof gel that is extremely effective (but also extremely difficult to clean up afterward) even when a fire completely consumes the surroundings. If I lived there, that's the type of system I'd try, although I admit I don't know the cost. Also don't know if it would protect against smart electricity meters that explode, which might come out as a factor here ... we'll see.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed. Sounds like he's saying "Our side lost. If you keep fighting, you're digging yourself into a deeper hole. Take whatever deal you can."

Good guys asking for his statement made the call that saving the lives of innocents is more important than vengeance. On the heels of Hurricane Helene and with Los Angeles burning in the background, it sounds like the good guys are offering mercy in exchange for not destroying more people. On the other side Trump has made it clear that if they keep holding innocents hostage there will be hell to pay.

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