Cities that de-funded the police are re-funding the police https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/major-cities-refund-the-police-as-crime-skyrockets-and-businesses-backfire
GOP has growing cash advantage over Dems for House contests https://freebeacon.com/elections/house-republicans-grow-midterm-cash-advantage-over-dems/
IRS openly says Christian organization can’t be tax exempt because Biblical principles are more affiliated with Republicans https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/06/19/denies-christian-profit-tax-exempt-status-bibles-teachings-affiliated-republican-party/
Dozens of House lawmakers call on Biden to replace Kamala as border czar https://www.oann.com/dozens-of-house-gop-lawmakers-call-on-joe-biden-to-remove-kamala-harris-as-border-czar/
Google funded Wuhan research partner Peter Daszak for decades … hmm https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1406287714845171728
CDC removes 150,000 deaths from VAERS system https://www.bitchute.com/video/HkD2AGKkyZbQ/
Dan Scavino is amped https://www.facebook.com/DanScavino/posts/2914594438756273
See you tomorrow.
I like the idea of churches losing the tax exempt status. Too many cowardly lion churches that formed specifically for tax exempt status and money smuggling. It's taking their 30 pieces of silver to toe the line and keep that muzzle on. I'd rather churches pay taxes and have the muzzle removed to say whatever they want without fear of anything
Too true. Congregations struggle financially and start worrying about money more than who they are getting in bed with, as it were.
Right on!