What are they putting in us ? These people are sick! ?
posted ago by Amos ago by Amos +36 / -0

I only made it to past halfway this 2:15 video before posting, but what is being put in the blood supply, the water supply, injections, on fields, into the DNA of foods?

I had clicked on a suspicious picture with adrenochrome and Pizzagate-artwork vibes and this art video was there.

How much do you think the video creator had some real life inspiration as opposed to just a fantastic imagination?


Text from beneath the video below. Note the sponsor.

The Culturists are a community of wealthy individuals who have taken up the culturing of their own cells outside their bodies as a new form of ‘body-building’. They recognise in-vitro cultures as an extension of the self, and push the boundaries of science for narcissistic purposes.

Amongst progress in stem cell research and the elusive dream of techno-immortality, the Culturists embark on a race to the highest cell count. They start by repurposing their bathrooms and hot tubs as home-laboratories, but soon push each other to more ambitious challenges such as covering the entire planet or building deep-time repositories.

2014 Commissioned by: Future of Money Design Award 2014: Identity is the new money.