Isn't anybody curious about this fake paper that was used to deny early treatment for Covid-19? A treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives?
Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College and editor in chief of two well-respected medical journals explains how this fake paper caused a cascade of anti-Hydroxychloroquine propaganda, executive orders, and bans within hospital pharmacies.
Where do we keep getting thousands died. Our overall death rate in this country is the same as every year. Half in here keep saying deaths are the same the other half use it to slam the left. Which is it? Make up ur minds.
Lockdown decreased deaths due to traffic accidents. There are many factors at play here. The Wuhan Virus itself is not fake - it is a killer, but only for for the elderly and those with comorbitities.
as is what is known as the flu......
It is not the flu. It kills people mainly by causing an auto-immune reaction in the lungs. Where your own immune system attacks your lungs. The treatment is very different than the flu.