Isn't anybody curious about this fake paper that was used to deny early treatment for Covid-19? A treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives?
Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College and editor in chief of two well-respected medical journals explains how this fake paper caused a cascade of anti-Hydroxychloroquine propaganda, executive orders, and bans within hospital pharmacies.
Did some digging when the Lancet article was released. If I recall correctly and I think I am, one of the members was a model. There may have been one or two legitimate researchers but the rest were not.
You recall correctly. Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine both somehow got tricked by a Science Fiction author and a social media 'model'.
Gosh darn it, they said.
Thank-you! The laptop I had tons of info on crashed and I lost everything I had saved. Keeping articles, pics, and videos on external hard drive these days.