I have lived in Colorado most if my long life. It has changed so much since they legalized pot and have a gay governor. It has become more and more liberal over the years, sadly. It is so bad that there is a group of Patriots that would like Weld County to succeed and become part of Wyoming. Thank God for Laura Boebert! It is so sad to see this beautiful state become what it has. Not to mention the false Flags that happened here. Thanks to Biden making Juneteenth a Federal holiday we've had yet another mass shooting here at a Juneteenth celebration. If I did not have family I would have left a long time ago. I always considered heading to Wyoming but Florida is becoming quite attractive these days.
I have lived in Colorado most if my long life. It has changed so much since they legalized pot and have a gay governor. It has become more and more liberal over the years, sadly. It is so bad that there is a group of Patriots that would like Weld County to succeed and become part of Wyoming. Thank God for Laura Boebert! It is so sad to see this beautiful state become what it has. Not to mention the false Flags that happened here. Thanks to Biden making Juneteenth a Federal holiday we've had yet another mass shooting here at a Juneteenth celebration. If I did not have family I would have left a long time ago. I always considered heading to Wyoming but Florida is becoming quite attractive these days.