Remember the days we used to tell people to take their crack pot conspiracies to Remember when the mods viciously combed the site for shills? Remember when we lived by "no outside comms"? Remember when I didn't have to listen to your personal sob story, or see a selfie of you and your wife/kids like this was Facebook? Remember when this site was about speculation, discussion and working together to uncover the truth? Remember when validation had nothing to do with it?
This is slowly becoming an echo chamber with no standards. Mods say they want to keep people engaged. I say they're doing the opposite.
Well, what do you think?
Edit: I've said it from Day 1. We need a fully vetted "handbook" for new anons. Between misinfo, misunderstanding and a lack of resources, I feel much of the problem is created by not having ONE easy to access, easy to digest piece of material that new Anons can utilize.
I can understand posts that are to keep morale high. As much as I hate the sob stories, I think it's largely cuz this lockdown has done a number on us all so I can't blame people for doing it. The selfies, though? Go to p win for that.
I remember it was sometime in December or January when that site went downhill so bad, I had to tap out. Nothing informative. Just pepe memes stickied for days.
Couldn't agree more.
Speaking of echo chambers, getting brigaded for saying I personally don't like it when parents dress their kids up with their own ideology. Worried wrongthink might make its way here.
I'd say that's fine. Part of the movement is about waking people up. What better way to wake them up but with proper facts about the jab?
If you're worried about disinformation though, then yeah. That is a concern. But lies, intentional or not, can be useful in discerning fact from fiction if we try to understand why it's wrong.