Remember the days we used to tell people to take their crack pot conspiracies to Remember when the mods viciously combed the site for shills? Remember when we lived by "no outside comms"? Remember when I didn't have to listen to your personal sob story, or see a selfie of you and your wife/kids like this was Facebook? Remember when this site was about speculation, discussion and working together to uncover the truth? Remember when validation had nothing to do with it?
This is slowly becoming an echo chamber with no standards. Mods say they want to keep people engaged. I say they're doing the opposite.
Well, what do you think?
Edit: I've said it from Day 1. We need a fully vetted "handbook" for new anons. Between misinfo, misunderstanding and a lack of resources, I feel much of the problem is created by not having ONE easy to access, easy to digest piece of material that new Anons can utilize.
I remember when Q posts thrived on r/T_D amongst all the stuff you are complaining about here, without problems- until Q was banned there. I don't have a problem with the way mods run this site. The off-topic/side-topic stuff here is kept well enough in check as to not drown out high quality posts, so I don't see it as problematic.
And that's your opinion. I disagree strongly, and don't really buy your wishy washy parameters for how "in check" the bullshit is.
My parameters are indeed subjective. What information do you want to find on this site that the "bullshit" is preventing you from finding, or discussing?
That was never my issue.