Seems everyone including me (lurking) are in the bleachers of reddit/superstonk.
The problem is, several reddit boards have been hijacked and shutdown in the recent past. Has anyone suggested an alternative site like to muster if the rocket launch blows superstonk off the internet?
Or maybe the admins kill any alternative backup sites. Thoughts?
Anyone following ?
Maybe they need a trophy/kill list of companies with a big strikeout type thing ? over their logo.
And may there be many more to follow!
I wish there were more folks on .
Seems everyone including me (lurking) are in the bleachers of reddit/superstonk.
The problem is, several reddit boards have been hijacked and shutdown in the recent past. Has anyone suggested an alternative site like to muster if the rocket launch blows superstonk off the internet?
Or maybe the admins kill any alternative backup sites. Thoughts?
It's shills all the way down. -reddit