What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even my F'n multi vitamin!

I looked at the ingredients more closely, since I was wondering if it had any Vitamin C or K. Turns out to make the pill a semi-peach color they added Yellow #6 Red #40, and Blue #1.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry for your loss Henry. I quit my 10 mg of statins 18 months ago and felt less achy. I started the Vitamin C and Lysine about 2 months ago and 95% of all my chest tightness is gone when I exert myself.

My Aunt is skinny as a rail, 78 years old and has Alzheimer's. I've tried to inform my cousin how to help treat her mom but as a Nurses Aid, she's convinced that she's already an expert and knows everything.

What-Me-Worry 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like the X / Twitter post was deleted.

What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

I also wondered what the connection was as my PC wouldn't properly display the embedded images of the Q posts. I had to use my phone to finally see them.

Q # 1827 has an image of "Tales from the FBI Crypt" showing zombie hands coming out of the ground with a scared Bill and Killary in the background. In the next few panes, Killary is walking ("Finally at peace" in a text box) when she walks into a noose and get hoisted off her feet and presumably hung.

There's also an image of Deadpool sitting on a bucket of popcorn and then an accompanying 8 second video of Deadpool waiting for the movie to begin with his popcorn and soda.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gross, but excellent read on how many parasites (~60,000) are looking for a host and how they attack our immune system and replicate:

Parasite Pill 2.0

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

At this rate, they better hire a secondary army to print 200 million ballots at the very last minute.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks a bunch buddy. I appreciate the tips. Glad that you are out on parole now. 😉

May I ask who you buy your tablets from? I've been looking for more natural supplements and sadly most pills are made in China nowadays.

What-Me-Worry 5 points ago +5 / -0










What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi Dudeman,

I've been looking at boron for my mom and dog. I think I want to start my son on it to detox him from all the stupid shots they convince parents to give the kids.

How are your arthritis symptoms doing nowadays?

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

They should show oBiden out golfing Trump and getting a hole-in-one at Pebble Beach!

What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

When is Sheila's pomp and circumstance event?

Does she get a horse drawn golden casket paraded down Pennsylvania avenue with news helicopters and pundits drooling over the gravity of her contributions to society?

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Here in the US, a loony coworker actually messaged me saying that President Trump is afraid to debate Heels-up Harris.

His programming must have glitched because he said the same thing before oBiden's debate. 😂

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0


That would be amazing. The Birthers, MAGA and President Trump can watch from the side lines while Killary self-immolates the entire Dem party by calling into question Kamala's eligibility. Similar to how she questioned Homobama.

What-Me-Worry 1 point ago +2 / -1

You know what else is interesting? oBiden made that announcement on Sunday which is 107 days away from November 5th.

What-Me-Worry 6 points ago +6 / -0

I had the same thinking. Is this something the Free Mason's / cabal require? Some sort of public broadcast to the normies so their real intentions are public?

Similar to how male actors have to be seen on TV dressed as women, and female actresses must have some nudity or sexual assault scene?

Art imitating reality? 🤷‍♂️

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

My cousin has been a bleeding heart loony lib for 30+ years. He's got a masters in English Lit and hasn't been able to keep a steady job for the past 15 years.

The night Trump first won in 2016 he posted some stupid s#|T hoping an assassin would take Trump out. I checked his twitter posts and he's been strangely quiet this past week.

The mind-blowing part that aligns with your comment is, he's always been fascinated with British royalty and even types out British vocabulary like colour and favour. He worships everything British and even had a British girlfriend who he met online that he was planning to marry. He called me in desperation one day begging for money to buy tickets to go confront her. Apparently she also had a French boyfriend at the same time.

What-Me-Worry 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm thinking "Susan Rice" might be Homobama's ol' butt buddy:

"Her" nose was much bigger in older photos.


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