if Pence is a whitehat, and I believe he is, (Art of War), Pence will be back and run with Desantis in 2028. It makes sense, with Trump still bashing Pence, especially with a previous clip I saw of Trump saying he has people on the other side "working with him" in a white hat manor.
Weak is strong.
They need to ride this sting out - or as Chris Miller said, the most complex military operation ever conducted in the YT video posted above, all while almost breaking down when thanking Pence.
Does anyone have that clip of Trump talking about white hats working for the other side? I think it was in January...Anyway hows this for Hopium?
I don’t know I would’ve voted for Pence even before Jan 6th. I never had a good feeling about him from minute 1 when he got announced as the running mate. I’ve been to a few Trump rallies and I just couldn’t wait for Pence to get off stage, it was like he was killing the mood in the crowd. Desantis, yes. Pence, I don’t think he could even win the primary.
Chris Miller going off script was my confirmation that Pence was trusted by POTUS. The will be a lot of "fuck, I didn't see that coming" moments, as this unfolds.
It would, but wouldn't that make Pence a white hat?
You gota love a good sting operation, everyone is playing a part, until the sting is complete.
if Pence is a whitehat, and I believe he is, (Art of War), Pence will be back and run with Desantis in 2028. It makes sense, with Trump still bashing Pence, especially with a previous clip I saw of Trump saying he has people on the other side "working with him" in a white hat manor.
Weak is strong.
They need to ride this sting out - or as Chris Miller said, the most complex military operation ever conducted in the YT video posted above, all while almost breaking down when thanking Pence.
Does anyone have that clip of Trump talking about white hats working for the other side? I think it was in January...Anyway hows this for Hopium?
*Trump/Pence- 2021-2028 * Pence/Desantis - 2028-2036 * Desantis /Candice Owens - 2036 - 2044 * Owens/Barron Trump - 2044-2052
I don’t know I would’ve voted for Pence even before Jan 6th. I never had a good feeling about him from minute 1 when he got announced as the running mate. I’ve been to a few Trump rallies and I just couldn’t wait for Pence to get off stage, it was like he was killing the mood in the crowd. Desantis, yes. Pence, I don’t think he could even win the primary.
Chris Miller going off script was my confirmation that Pence was trusted by POTUS. The will be a lot of "fuck, I didn't see that coming" moments, as this unfolds.
And after those moments, we'll check the drops and say, "shit, it was right there in front of us the entire time!"
Maybe he is, what was that thing about good actors?