Well, I like to find the roots of things. I found that article while looking for the origin of this belief that there are a lot of structures 10 km deep. (Not doubting underground hideouts, just 10 km) It is very much the same story going around now, 9 years later, I imagine that it started earlier. 1997? That would have been 15 years before. Even 24 years doesn't seem long enough to overthrow the established world power structure, although it is a very long time for any group to do something so ambitious and keep it so secret.
Yes I saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he kept saying that no matter what they did the future kept coming to the same conclusion. Was that guy ‘Mike’ or something like that? It seems to me he has his own podcast or something on YouTube. Can anyone help with that video, a link perhaps...?
Thanks for that link.That is incredible that a lot of that stuff appears to be happening now. BOY! Did we all get walked up the garden path by Cabal/DS!
Check the date. They say the plan is proceeding well in 2012. http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2012/12/14/deep-underground-military-base-d-u-m-b/
I heard 2012 was the year project Looking Glass realize they couldn't stop the Great Awakening no matter what they tried
Well, I like to find the roots of things. I found that article while looking for the origin of this belief that there are a lot of structures 10 km deep. (Not doubting underground hideouts, just 10 km) It is very much the same story going around now, 9 years later, I imagine that it started earlier. 1997? That would have been 15 years before. Even 24 years doesn't seem long enough to overthrow the established world power structure, although it is a very long time for any group to do something so ambitious and keep it so secret.
Yes I saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he kept saying that no matter what they did the future kept coming to the same conclusion. Was that guy ‘Mike’ or something like that? It seems to me he has his own podcast or something on YouTube. Can anyone help with that video, a link perhaps...?
I saw that but can’t recall where.
2nd American revolution. Yes this has been brewing
Thanks for that link.That is incredible that a lot of that stuff appears to be happening now. BOY! Did we all get walked up the garden path by Cabal/DS!