inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

exactly! Does this mean she might be working for the white hats, not only by acting stupid but stupid in a way to wake people up to what Trump has been saying right along?

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK so could she be working for the white hats in order to help wake people up? (She is an expert at being stupid already but being so stupid as to steal a famous Trump could be an attempt to wake up her base)

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this is true are you saying that this is what Q had planned to start to shift the narrative around?

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

If she were smart, she would get some key house republican aside & quietly explain to him that if they can guarantee her witness protection, she will tell them everything. Unfortunately, those patsies are never very smart & yes, they will get get rid of her. (Probably with some antifa henchmen dressed up as Trump supporters)

inspoken 5 points ago +5 / -0

His name is Crooks & the SS director is CHEATle. They can't make it more obvious can they?

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like a swamp fight. Crocodiles were challenging, Jill & Kamala kept promising but not delivering. Their final promise was that assassination attempt. When that failed & Jill & Kamala still didn't budge they did the heart attack gun or something on Joe. Whether he is dead or almost dead doesn't matter, to them, at this point. Best to keep him on ice till his death is useful. They can't make it look like a coop (because it was) & certainly can't make it look like an assassination (optics)

GOP needs to file complaints against the Biden admin since it is not proceeding in constitutionally ordained ways to transfer power: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teXFVqjd/presidential-powers-are-being-de/c/ . The fact that Kamala doesn't evoke the 25th does seem to imply that forces beyond her are in play. GOP needs to quickly step up call their moves unfair - let SCOTUS step in & force the swamp to be in a compromised position.

inspoken 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's not over yet. Hopefully one Congressperson will call for her immediate arrest so they can arrest her & throw her in the clink. Once arrested she will sing like a bird, all of a sudden & tell them who was really behind this. Don't forget, she is a minion

inspoken 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this point in time, our time is better spent fighting this war than debating these details, fren but when that time does come, it is very important that we are as ethical as possible for the sake of how history will look back at all this. (and also for the sake of those fools that still didn't wake up) Don't forget that the resources of their recently executed overlords will most likely be going to the victims & expenses. .

In other words would not need taxpayers funds for what the spoils of war would easily cover.

inspoken 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's all psy-op

But Flynn & Byrne are fighting for us on our side. We can't always take their words literally because, like Q, disinfo is also necessary but if we are wise we can read between the disinfo

inspoken 9 points ago +9 / -0

Prison will be for their minions. Their fate will be worse than that

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

God wins in the end, yes, but as for here on earth is concerned is what I thought Q was referring to.

inspoken 9 points ago +10 / -1

She hears them, yeah, but she doesn't understand how evil they are yet?

AOC did not kill herself

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I think it was operation looking glass that told Q that "God wins" no matter what the input is. We are now seeing it manifest

inspoken 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good. Maybe Ken Paxton can shut them down. It is a criminal enterprise.

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

If she resigns before she comes to testify there's a decent chance that she plans to sing. Of course, if she does plan to, the black hats will take her out before that, unless, she is exceptionally good at protecting herself.

inspoken 0 points ago +1 / -1

But maybe this is a warning that the next time Crowdstrike goes down will be suicide weekend

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, back in the Bernie days, I remember seeing a copy of a ledger where large sum payments ($100,000+) were going to or from Crowdstrike lining up with assassinations, Seth RIch, Shawn Lucus, etc etc. As if it was some sort of payment to hit men.

As I said before the Bernie movement was more an anti Hillary movement than anything else (& invisible govt) It became apparent to some of us what a mafia they are. (And many moved on to Trump after that fiasco) But the point is that there's some sort of financial connection between assassination payments & Crowdstrike. Now I realize that they are also some sort of international bank & stock payment center or something.

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