Anyone thinking this "Delta Variant" will eventually be branded as COVID-21 so the fear porn cycle can start again?
?? Theory ??
Or maybe not this variant but the next one that "inevitably" will come around September....
"b-but the vaccine better protects us!" "unvaccinated people are super spreaders!" "Vaccinated people are still in danger thanks to the unvaccinated!!"
NOTHING. MAKES. ANY. SENSE. WHICH ONE IS IT? On the extreme case, every time an uncontacted person from say, a remote tribe comes into contact with the rest of the world, do we panic? No. In fact, that person is likely to die due to having no immunity. There are NUMEROUS instances of this happening, including a family in the Soviet Union who was isolated for 40 years and ended up succumbing to illness due to being isolated for so long. This is basic science, all thrown out the window in just 1 year. Fauci is the new village Witch Doctor. Anything he says, goes, even if he isn't consistent with what he says. People are still stuck in their old ways of thinking from 5000 years ago. Not much has changed and they refuse to evolve and adapt to modern thinking and enlightenment.