Anyone thinking this "Delta Variant" will eventually be branded as COVID-21 so the fear porn cycle can start again?
?? Theory ??
Or maybe not this variant but the next one that "inevitably" will come around September....
he said the guy who had the delta variant had just come back from the Dominican Republic and his whole family as well as another family caught it. He was the only one that passed though. Also, he mentioned to me after the fact that the doctors were performing a surgery on the guy and just stopped mid-way through the surgery because "he was doing so well, we decided to just finish later". Which I've never heard of before in my life. The next day the fellow passed away. Suspish.
Yea that's not how surgery works at all. That doesn't happen.
That's what I said. He insisted that he wasn't getting any better anyway. But I don't think he realizes how severe of a situation it was that the doctors just stopped operating and decided to revisit it another day. That's totally odd.