Yep. Pay attention to who tries to manage everything. These fucks are trained handlers. They know how to manipulate and push their agenda. They came hard, and now limp. Lol
I’m sorry but I’m a fucking truth seeker and anyone else here that’s genuine is too so enough trying to manage what everyone thinks, looks at, posts, talks about... wtf is that. We are in search of the truth. Everywhere. If you wanna sit all day and obsess about one thing, please do so, but You don’t get to say shit about everyone else. Don’t fucking worry buddy, the audit isn’t gonna zip right past us.
It's getting awfully shilly in here.
Yep. Pay attention to who tries to manage everything. These fucks are trained handlers. They know how to manipulate and push their agenda. They came hard, and now limp. Lol
I’m sorry but I’m a fucking truth seeker and anyone else here that’s genuine is too so enough trying to manage what everyone thinks, looks at, posts, talks about... wtf is that. We are in search of the truth. Everywhere. If you wanna sit all day and obsess about one thing, please do so, but You don’t get to say shit about everyone else. Don’t fucking worry buddy, the audit isn’t gonna zip right past us.