BigMikesSaggyBaggins 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not that it matters, and nobody is going to comply anywho...but didn't SCOTUS killing off the Chevron Doctrine neuter these bastards already???

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Trump is also telling us that "Biden" has "exited left" if you look above his head.

I have a feeling like other anons, he's already "dead" and the DS is just waiting to go public with him and even Carter for a mass diversion for something coming.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll have to do some digging later on once I'm home. We may need to revisit the "Gold" posts from Q

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anyone else see the Q in the bottom left, at the bottom of the elements list? I'm curious to what these, and the other side of listed elements refer to (not the metals themselves) as well.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's as if...they knew something was happening that day, and felt that she needed extra protection.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 6 points ago +6 / -0

As of now, I still believe it was a real attempt on his life, but I will never say 100% either with everything that we've seen the last many years.

Point in case...

Sandy Hook

As sinister as it would be, it's not impossible that we saw all central casting at the event.

I'm personally at the point in this "movie" that i'm just more of an observer than a wild speculator. That was fun many years ago, the guessing game, but now we are in the final chapter and it's serious stuff to come, and happening. The 48hr rule should be applied to just about every event that we see, now, up until the storm is over.

In the end, God is in full control, and that's the only thing that truly matters.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm on the same boat, Vance is in right now "playing his part" for the plan. Don't lose sight of Laura Trump now running the RNC, which inside the RNC rules, they can change their rules/laws at any time (thus the way I see them replacing Vance in the future without breaking the law) even after the convention.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

After seeing the altitude limit, I highly doubt those were VIP planes, as they were much higher in altitude.

Now that i'm looking at the tracker again, I see two Cessnas from Dover AFB flying at 1000ft, circling the area now.


BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

The TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) is from the surface up to 18000 feet

This makes more sense now, I should have clicked into the link further (pre-coffee time for me right now).

I'm used to Talons flying over me quite a bit, but a B1 Lancer woke me up this AM, which was a random sight to see.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 4 points ago +4 / -0

I will let the real planefags take over, but from the link you provided, I am seeing they are shutting down the northeast portion of the state, and as of now I see the flight lanes going over that area are still being used.

I could be theatrics until they are ready to "make the announcement"

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 5 points ago +5 / -0

MOASS in 2025 I guess. No worries, it only takes patience on our end to hold, just imagine the panic on their end of it.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump said that Russia has nuclear subs off the coast of Cuba...60 miles away from us, and nobody is talking about it. I'd say that's very notable for tomorrow, this didn't just quietly get snuck in.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 8 points ago +8 / -0

Did... President Trump potentially just subtly confirm the upcoming Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0??? 11:49PM timestamp in the feed.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, he does. I'm watching every second of what he says tonight. And after seeing this:


Something is going on. I'm sure there's zero coincidences that this happened right before he was supposed to speak. They need another distraction.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 14 points ago +14 / -0

Let's just get right to it, starting with two of today's deltas, doubled up for importance IMO:



Worth remembering.
If you look close enough you might see….

We've dug into the timestamp, but that's fairly visible. You have to "look closely" at the image to pull out the date... 19th

Guess what tomorrow is... the 19th

Now, the fun begins....

We got the latest Trump campaign ad just yesterday:


Many anons noticed the storm starting on the 55 second mark. I will just go ahead and list the infamous Q post, but I will add to it below.


This would be AMAZING if true...but let's add a little more context to this. We also got this great connection that was posted today:


The final countdown.

Does this tie directly into GME? Who knows, but RC has shown he is on Trump's side. But let me give you another look at this...what if...the RNC is part of the "countdown?"

Trump did tell us we should be expecting more surprises from him. I will be listening VERY closely to his speech tonight. He did change it all up after the assassination attempt. Will we also get confirmation of #44, thus giving more hopium for Friday? Potentially #55...we don't have to wait long to get this confirmation.


*Guess what tomorrow is... FRIDAY the 19th.

Datefagging never works out, for the most part, but man, I see a few coincidences showing us that tomorrow is going to be A WEEK TO REMEMBER so let's tie in the Q connections that anon picked up on a few days ago:

u/#q3434 u/#q3430 u/#q572

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

As of now, the only thing I can think of is he's tied to saving Israel for last. Sidley Austin has Israel connections, so I will await for further light to be exposed on this at some point.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

PG = Proctor & Gamble? That's their ticket symbol.

No clue on the -13 part, if this is what the PG was meant to be.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope so, I was just looking at the Dow earlier today, and it's been parabolic the last few days. Reminds me of a last leg pump to get people to buy the top before crashing it on top of their heads.

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