If you cannot use analogies to explain a structure that is inherit in an organization and otherwise impossible to describe. It's a fucking pyramid scheme. pay your time and effort into this, we claim it benevolent and even show you documents that "our" "top guys" 100% verify authentic! ;) come on! If only one of the groups with half as much clout as the Masons did something good for the world no one would be able to shut up about it, instead we have controlled burns around sensitive areas to desensitize the populaces at large because because de-pop got out too soon! Last year you were all doing your shit, kilted, behind the veil and now people are asking questions. queue the alter boys popping up to make it look cool.
If you cannot use analogies to explain a structure that is inherit in an organization and otherwise impossible to describe. It's a fucking pyramid scheme. pay your time and effort into this, we claim it benevolent and even show you documents that "our" "top guys" 100% verify authentic! ;) come on! If only one of the groups with half as much clout as the Masons did something good for the world no one would be able to shut up about it, instead we have controlled burns around sensitive areas to desensitize the populaces at large because because de-pop got out too soon! Last year you were all doing your shit, kilted, behind the veil and now people are asking questions. queue the alter boys popping up to make it look cool.
the free masons are a union, sweetie
you are proving my point