Comeuppance is an antiquated notion these days, it seems.
And along similar lines of thinking, I was pondering this morning about 1/6. I know that congressmen know, that the "storming" was phony. Do you know how I know? Because they haven't humbled themselves in the slightest. They were supposedly about to be captured and led to the gallows or something, right? You'd think that would be a life changing experience. "Maybe I ought to represent my constituents better, or pay closer attention to the constitution. Maybe I need to just stop being a politician because I'm in fear for my life now."
But no, instead it's, "Now I'm going to ratchet up what I was doing . I'm going to twist a knife a little more, act a little more cocky, cheat just a little (lot) more in the next election."
I love movies with a sting ending like that. And the possible sequel where half the population gets comeuppance for being obnoxious dopes.
Comeuppance is an antiquated notion these days, it seems.
And along similar lines of thinking, I was pondering this morning about 1/6. I know that congressmen know, that the "storming" was phony. Do you know how I know? Because they haven't humbled themselves in the slightest. They were supposedly about to be captured and led to the gallows or something, right? You'd think that would be a life changing experience. "Maybe I ought to represent my constituents better, or pay closer attention to the constitution. Maybe I need to just stop being a politician because I'm in fear for my life now."
But no, instead it's, "Now I'm going to ratchet up what I was doing . I'm going to twist a knife a little more, act a little more cocky, cheat just a little (lot) more in the next election."
Good point, if they didn't contribute to the problem they certainly used it.