It makes Patriots shy away from jobs that used to attract the good people of this country. Think about it. The schools system is a cluster fuck. The Gov is a cluster fuck. The more they mandate these ridiculous lies the less Patriots want to participate in these fields. This makes the indoctrination process easy. Only like minded faggots would sign up for this shit.
It's actually quite smart. This is as much about the voluntary removal of good people from these positions as it is about destroying your child's identity. This is a dangerous fucking enemy.
The problem with this approach, as always, is linear thinking. People see a trend, and extrapolate that trend in a straight line into the future. However, nothing in nature really moves in a straight line.
People adapt to changing conditions in unpredictable ways, which gives rise to "the law of unintended consequences". This law bites the marxists in the ass, every time.
How are people adapting to marxist schools? Alternative forms of education such as home schooling, online schools, etc... or, by taking over school boards directly and reversing the marxist indoctrination.
As for the government, once again, riled up people are starting to take over government at the grassroots level, which is exactly the correct tactic. Start local, then municipal, then county, then state.
So, once the marxist actions cross a threshold, they trigger a backlash that destroys everything they tried to accomplish. The marxists always think in terms of top down command and control, while our government in the US is deliberately decentralized and designed for power to flow from the grassroots upward.
Also, the federal government is not going to survive WW III in its present form. Devolution of power back to the states is a thing. We will see how far that goes, starting in the relatively near future.
Evil is cunning