241 From Lin Wood. Pay close attention to question #2. Still think Im a shill? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by DeepStateGlowie 3 years ago by DeepStateGlowie +243 / -2 104 comments download share 104 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Yep- have seen that.
It still says they can quarantine you and "treat" you by any means necessary.
Whats stopping them from "treating" you with gene therapy?
Okay your turn, prove it.
.... its in the bill you sent me. All they did was cross out "vaccinate", but they left in "quarantine" and "treat the individual by any means necessary".
Its deliberatly vague.
the bill i sent you died in the house, so is this your admit ion it is nothing?
This could be just run of the mill wording. Or it could mean something nefarious. We should not vilify or worship De Santis until we know for sure.
Thats all Im saying.
I would much, much rather him be as based as he seems to be. But Im not going to ignore this. Cabal is tricky. Experts at manipulation.
Whoever refuses to doubt DeSantis should watch these next two clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8f5fFvQSc4
Merely two days later the woman in the above clip said this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNATCaIQO6s
I'll never forget this.