I am so tired of the doomer gloomers, the concern fags/trolls, the nay sayers and the rest of you negatively charged individuals. Take it from an oooold conspiracist/truth seeker who has been doing this almost a half century. THE FUCKING PLAN IS IN PLAY!!! Knock of the bullshit, re read the Q drops, read the Law of War Manual and ENJOY THE SHOW!!! Yeah yeah.... "Nothing enjoyable" to this show. Blah blah motherfucking blah!!! If it's too hot, not fast enough or whatever to your liking? Tough shit!!! Suck it up cupcake cause life ain't easy and it's gonna get tougher before it gets easier. Sorry for the rant, but im tired of the whining. Go back to the donald or reddit.
I sacked up years ago and I'm a chick.