We all are being given a choice right now. Being tested by God. We can stand in Gods light or we live in the darkness of hate. Evil doesnt care about who this hate is directed to. Just the act of hate in your heart for fellow humans, no matter the reason, is enough to keep the darkness around. This is a personal journey on a global scale. We all need to be praying together like never before. Regardless of where u live, who you support, or what you have done. Prayer and God is the answer to the future we deserve. We stand in truth but we act in love. The darkness will never end until enough light shines. Lets all shine bright and put an end to this darkness. God is calling will u stand up, or will u remain in your ego trying to do it alone. An army of light is being gathered. Many of us have went thru bootcamp and now its time to graduate and serve properly.
We have created a discord server to serve God thru Prayer and Fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see you there. God bless. Love you all but God loves you the most https://discord.gg/qUWhFrts
Let me ask you this what does hate mean to you
That´s a good question and when I read it I wasn't quite sure how to respond. I do admit hate and rage are not healthy emotions and the last 6months I have tried to meditate to keep it in check and I have been struggling being mentally stable.
I also believe Love is humanities greatest weapon against our opponents and evil and I'm sure we will win because of Love.
Rage and Hate I would say mean nothing to me but as a person who used to struggle with fear, Hate seems to be a potent weapon against fear. Maybe I been using it for that without me being aware of it. I'm not quite sure ill have to think over this question some more.
Btw I just noticed a lot of people are struggling with rage and hate ATM so this thread was an excellent idea. So ill thank you for that!