(b) Notice to agent is notice to principal - Notice to principal is notice to agent As a living flesh and blood [employee or student] of [XYZ MEDICAL CENTER], I declare the following: I am being requested to take a [flu shot] vaccine as a condition of my [employment or enrollment].
- I am aware that since Supreme Court decision Bruesewitz vs Wyeth (Feb, 2011) those manufacturing, ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should I suffer from a vaccine caused injury or illness, such as Guillian-Barré. The same decision defined vaccines as unavoidably unsafe. Therefore, drug companies are under no legal obligation to insure their vaccine products are either safe or effective.
- Enclosing the adverse effects of pharmaceutical products is common practice for pharmacists. I requested but did not receive the vaccine manufacturer's package insert, which is necessary for me to be informed of the risks this vaccination could present to my health.
- I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers that have exposed the harm or injury caused by many vaccines. In fact, by 2013 nearly $3 billion dollars had been paid out of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to families of the vaccine injured. Vaccine manufacturers pay nothing into this fund.
- I do not recognize the CDC, who makes vaccination recommendations, as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry through the CDC Foundation. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the fiscal health of their own corporation.
- I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program via a biased secret administrative process. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF also profits from their own vaccine patents.
- I am unaware of any state statute that grants [XYZ MEDICAL CENTER], the authority to require [employees or applicants] to take pharmaceutical products that are not warranted as either safe or effective by their manufacturer, as a condition of their [employment or admission]. If such a statute exists, please send me the name, number and effective date. For the reasons I have listed, I cannot comply with [XYZ MEDICAL CENTER'S] vaccine request unless I am presented with a document stating that [XYZ MEDICAL CENTER] agrees to be financially responsible for any and all costs related to any injuries, illnesses or losses (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) taking the requested vaccine might cause me. NOTE: Please place this notice in my [write in employee or student] records file. [Write in employee or student] name: ________________________________________ ID # _______________ [Write in employee or student] signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________ Witness: _________________________ Date: ______ Witness: __________________________ Date: ______
I bet there is but google is no help. Use DDG with Canada in your search. Good luck neighbor. WWG1WGA