349 Nuclear: FDA Knew on October 22, 2020 that the DeathJab would maim and kill, cause heart damage, clotting and ravage children (www.barnhardt.biz) posted 3 years ago by XGemInaV 3 years ago by XGemInaV +350 / -1 47 comments share 47 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I was looking for the first image today! I love watching the way God orchestrated life. Great links!
I was going to use it in regards to a post about this article related to thrombocytopenia as a side effect: June 22 2021: “COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Another Rare Blood Disease: Israeli Study”: https://resistthemainstream.org/covid-19-vaccine-linked-to-another-rare-blood-disease-israeli-study/?utm_source=rtmt&utm_medium=rtmt&utm_campaign=rtmt