Has anyone asked Gen Flynn, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, etc., why Trump is saying the vaccines are safe when 99% of the Q community thinks it's poison?
Another repost about 5D chess
I would like to see some discussion on this. I can't stop thinking about this discrepancy. It makes no sense to me. Has anyone asked the people we think are closely related to Q why President Trump is saying that the vaccines are safe when we have plenty of data to show otherwise?
In a few words, this is the standard explanation round here:
Trump had to enable "warp speed" vax development so the vax had too short a testing time and had to be classified as experimental and therefore non-mandatory.
He had to do this so as to prevent the cabal's "great reset" plan which had multi year lockdowns then a mandatory fully approved vax every few months until the population was reduced to "Georgia Guidestone" levels of 500 million in the world. Those still living would be slaves to a tiny elite.
It's referred to as a Red October manoevre from the film "Red October" where the defecting captain turned his submarine towards a dangerous incoming torpedo so as to hit it sooner before it was fully armed, thereby saving his submarine and the crew.
Do you think Trump could knowingly do that though? I mean worse case scenario is that everyone that took the jab will die. I used to think it was just saline but so many people are having problems.
No. The injections are not that deadly. There is variability between the different types of injections, and between different batches of the injections.
There is no need for the injections because we have effective, safe and inexpensive treatments (IVM, HCQ). The EUA for the injections was obtained fraudulently by pretending there were no treatments.
Beyond the fact that they are unnecessary, the worst of them are toxic and cause a wide variety of health problems.
In that context, why President Trump is still recommending them is a mystery. Warpspeed is long over, so it makes no sense to continue to push them based on everything that we know.
"Not that deadly is relative." They're not that deadly if you're comparing the 6,000 deaths from the vaccine so far to the total 600k deaths from the flu (one strain of Coronavirus or another) last year since they were all lumped together in the reporting.
They are pretty damm deadly though, when you consider that historically after 25 deaths a new drug would be pulled from public distribution and drugmakers would have had to go back to the drawing board to make a drug that was safe.
The EUA was both obtained and is now being sustained based on the lie that therapeutics don't work.
You are correct that the term is relative. The injections are not that deadly only when compared to idiots saying that they will kill 90% of the Earth's population. The injections are bad, but they are not THAT bad.
By normal standards, the injections should have been declared unsafe and all use stopped long ago. The EUA was obtained fraudulently, and facts to prove that effective, safe and inexpensive treatments are readily available are not just ignored but actively censored and suppressed. All of this is part of the proof that the DS is in control of large parts of the federal government, and the government is being used by the DS to harm us. They want to destroy the US.
In a larger context, our federal government is under the control of leftist democrap traitors, allied with the DS, china, iran, etc. to implement their plans for a leftist world government, with themselves as the rulers. The plandemic, the election fraud used to steal elections, and the injections are all aspects of their larger plans.
This is a big part of what the sheeple need to wake up to. There is a lot more to it (the human trafficking and other extremely evil practices), but destroying the democrap party, eliminating DS control in the US and fixing our own country is a necessary prerequisite for the next stages of the WW III we are fighting.