The chinese bio-weapon virus has a 99.8% recovery rate, which would be improved significantly if the safe, effective and inexpensive treatments that are available would be used. The elderly that have other illnesses are most at risk, no different than the annual flu.
IVM and HCQ are extremely effective, have been used safely for many decades each, and are very inexpensive. These treatments eliminate the need for a vaccine in the first place. There are now many trials that have proven their effectiveness at treating the chinese virus AND the spike protein from the injections.
The injections are experimental gene therapies... they are NOT vaccines, and offer no immunity from the chinese virus.
The EUA for the injections was obtained fraudulently by discrediting available treatments that are safe, effective, and very inexpensive (listed above).
News of the adverse effects of the injections is being suppressed by the MSM and censored by big tech, as ever more bribes, pressure and coercion is used to try to force as many people as possible to get the injections.
All of this is proof that the federal government is being controlled by the DS + democrap traitors to destroy the US and harm its citizens. It is part of the NWO / great reset plan to establish a leftist world government (similar to communist china). In order to establish this leftist world government, the US must first be destroyed.
When you understand this, all the points above make perfect sense.
Well, duh.
All of this is proof that the federal government is being controlled by the DS + democrap traitors to destroy the US and harm its citizens. It is part of the NWO / great reset plan to establish a leftist world government (similar to communist china). In order to establish this leftist world government, the US must first be destroyed.
When you understand this, all the points above make perfect sense.