In that case all the wrong people are taking the jabs from their point of view.
I was thinking of tech to specifically target one bloodline / gene type in particular, if it went in mass populations through vaxes, water, aerosol delivery etc, it would hurt nobody but the target.
I'm just hoping the 3 Gorges dam breaks soon. That will fix a lot.
Yes, and it's scary as hell.
I am convinced the "vaccines" are designed to target people with specific DNA, and not just covid vaccines, but all future mRNA vaccines.
How specific are we talking? Certain bloodlines perhaps?
Second point contradicts the first.
In that case all the wrong people are taking the jabs from their point of view.
I was thinking of tech to specifically target one bloodline / gene type in particular, if it went in mass populations through vaxes, water, aerosol delivery etc, it would hurt nobody but the target.
Perhaps at first, but such a thing released into the wild could quickly start acting in unexpected ways.
Oh, so NOW race is not a social construct?