MAGA_Patriot_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

he could stuff it in their asses from a distance if he wanted to.

If someone told me his flagstaff was a mile long, I'd believe it at this point. Maybe he can from a distance.


MAGA_Patriot_1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

This will get you started.

AI Code Tools: The Ultimate Guide in 2025

AI coding tools are becoming standard practice for many developers. And today, you’ll learn which code generators and tools are the best ones out there for creating high-quality code with the help of artificial intelligence.

Is it possible to code with AI tools?

Yes, it is possible to code with AI tools. In fact, leveraging AI tools for coding is not only possible, but it can also significantly enhance productivity and accuracy.

AI code is code written by artificial intelligence (AI), often times utilizing large language models (LLMs). These AI programs can write their own programs or translate from one programming language to another. They also perform tasks like offering assistance in auto-generating documentation and finding code snippets faster.

One of the most popular tools is Open AI’s Codex, an AI system that translates natural language to code. Codex powers GitHub Copilot, another popular AI code tool.

AI code is written by AI. Simple translation, this means the more microchips, the more powerful those chips, and the more energy provided to those chips will ensure the most powerful AI, then AGI, and ultimately SAI.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I came here to basically say this.

IMO, schools are indoctrination centers of our children. MANY churches have become indoctrination centers of adults.

Both prey (pray?) on those in need. Those who are vulnerable.

Everytime I drive by a church with a sacreligious lgbtqrainbow flag, I do not see a church, I see an adult indoctrination center. It's not religion at this point, it's the hijacking of religion to indoctrinate.

I bet this bitch is from one of those types of churches. I don't feel one ounce of guilt for calling her out because she is an impostor and a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Here is the video for those who want to see it.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 15 points ago +15 / -0

He needs to file federal charges against all of the Colorado election officials, including Griswold and Polis for their crimes against our nation. Colorado is also the home state of Dominion. They need to go down too.

There are many other states that need to be held accountable as well.

In fact, many of these crimes may not be federal at all. They are likely war crimes and should be handled via Military Tribunals.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 8 points ago +8 / -0

Great analysis and thorough research.

Thanks u/Qanaut πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Some additional thoughts I am pondering include,

  1. AI is coming faster than anyone can believe. It is paramount that the US leads the way. For the same reasons we had to win the nuclear bomb race, we must win the AI race or risk China doing so.

  2. I though Elon Musk and Sam Altman more or less despised each other. They both have AI. Sam has OpenAI, which is not open, and one of the reasons Musk doesn't like Sam, IIRC. Musk has Grok. Maybe Trump said to Elon, I've given you enough to work on, I need to diversify who does what. Or, maybe Trump is bringing Sam closer so that Elon can keep a better eye on him. It stood out to me that Sam said he was glad this investment would take place in the U.S., but what he was also saying, IMO, is if Trump didn't in est in this massive project, they would have gone to China with it. Sam is a globalist and not a nationalist.

  3. Sam and Massa both mentioned AGI and ASI. These are terms to understand frens. These are the nuclear level attributes of the term AI. AI is cute BS like, hey chatGPT, write my term paper for me. AGI is Artificial General Intelligence, which matches human intelligence. ASI is Artificial Super Intelligence, something which greatly exceeds human intelligence.

Imagining a world of superhuman intelligence bots that can do things that no humans can do is not far away folks. For example, pilots are constrained by the ability to withstand a certain level of Gs when flying or risk passing out. An ASI controlled fighter could not only make far better decisions than a human pilot, but the plane itself can go speeds and turn faster than humanly possible to survive. That is one example of millions.

AI is a big deal. AGI and ASI are civilization changers.

Sam and Massa mentioned these terms like they were discussing their favorite sprinkles on their donuts.

IMO, both AGI and ASI, in the wrong hands, have the power to devastate the world just like nukes. More power actually. AGI and ASI have the power to completely infiltrate and control all electronic devices. There are many rabbit holes to explore with that thought.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think she was potentially Asian and can't really pronounce her R's.

I felt bad for her.

Interesting side note, do you know why we say "Roger" or "Over and out" at the end of CB radio calls or at the end of communications.

During WWII in the Pacific theatre, Japanese soldiers were highjacking the radio communications and setting us up for ambushes.

So the US Soldiers started saying "Roger" or "Over and out," and when the Japanese tried to reply with the same to confirm the communication, they would say, "Logel" or "Ovel and out" and the Soldiers would know it was a fake message and not a US soldier on the other end.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wray officially resigned on Sunday, and Abbate left in less than 24 hours. I am sure he knew he could make no excuses for Wray' actions, and rather than take all the dirty laundry, he said oh hell no. I am out of here.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL! Thank you for your service u/Fatality πŸ™πŸ»

You are one of a kind and very much appreciated!

MAGA_Patriot_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's always been part of their money train. They use their clearances to make money. Just like generals getting top board seats on military contractor companies after sending their soldiers to more wars.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

For sure. Another reason I wanted to shout them out for their hard work.

I was flipping between 3 or 4 news sources today, all day, and can't imagine having to mod on top of it all. I'm sure the mods were as excited to tune in as all of us were.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would be more ambivalent about him except for the fact that he owns WaPo and used WaPo to try as hard as possible to sink Trump before, during, and after his first election, his stolen election, and his 3rd election.

Plus WaPo is a CIA colluding fish wrap and I haven't had warm and fuzzies for them either.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely! There is so much behind the scenes that most members have no idea about.

As a reminder, anyone can check the mod logs and see what busy bees they have to be to stay on top of the swarms.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the big tech oligarchs all being there means they have either submitted or come around to Trump.

Joe Rogan's interview with Mark Andreesen shed a lot of light on silicon valley and the US Government.

Mark basically said he left the meeting in DC scared for his life with what the government intended to do with AI.

MAGA_Patriot_1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not only did Trump sign EOs 3 times today, the third while holding an ad hoc press conference in this feed, but he also found time to leave a video message for the college football championship. He is wearing the same tie he had on today so I think it was recorded today too.

Just reflecting on Trump's Day One schedule today blows my mind. The guy has got to be part machine.

We are so lucky to be alive for this era in our history.

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