A few weeks ago I stumbled across this subreddit devoted to discussing their experience with the vaccine, and it was your average reddit sub all "we're saving the world!" and "First shot Moderna, going swell!!!!!". But I noticed sprinkled in were post by concerned users who were experiencing some very unusual reactions. I was surprised those post had still been up.
So I decided to check back a few weeks later and the community has taken a drastic turn for the worse. Now majority of post are negative reactions to the vaccine, and some of them sound fucking horrific. And every one of them need to say that they are not anti-vax, which I thought was a given considering we are discussing their literal vaccine side effects, so there's that.
There are a lot of people going through some really weird shit and you can read all of their story's on r/CovidVaccinated Its a decent seeming community full concerned people wanting to help each other, and just the entire thing is so sad to me. How did we let this happen? We just started injecting millions of people with shit that is going to fuck them up beyond repair??
Anon, we are in a war. Without the vaccine, it would have been years of lockdown. The economy would have been destroyed, schools/education destroyed, and there would be immense suffering from the social ills of lockdown (drug abuse, domestic abuse, mental illness, etc.). Ultimately, the country wouldn't have been able to recover, and the Great Reset would have been offered as a "solution" to a mentally ill and demoralized public desperate for "normalcy." By rushing the vaccine, President Trump threw off the Enemy's timetable by years (and hopefully forever).
I hate the suffering caused by the vaccine. The stories about children and infants dying are the worst. But the brainwashed were never going to move on with their lives without the stupid vax, and it may very well have killed the Enemy's NWO plans. It's collateral damage in this sick war.
Necessary move. One he will be memorialized for.