Thanks to the folks who helped out with purchasing my first bible. Always believed in all that but I never read the Bible, never had a connection, or relationship with God, never knew how to talk to him, but I feel it's time to build that relationship with him at some point.
Think I'm gonna go with the KJV, I asked a good buddy of mine who is very Christian, he recommended the KJV (think it was the NKJV), for the most accurate version, a lot of you did too.
Guy's life hasn't seen too many pretty days in recent years, hoping building a connection with God, and learning the story of Jesus Christ will change my life for the better.
God Bless you all. I think we're seeing things heat up, we gotta be careful and be alert. Especially come Sunday.
FF imminent
Also, what are your guys' favorite verses in the Bible?
Good luck fren! When you first start reading the Bible it can be intimidating. Just remember that as long as you are at least trying that is all that matters to God. He just wants for us to be in his word. The more you talk to him, and stay in his word everything in life will get easier, your problems will still be there but they wont feel so big anymore.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
( this verse has helped me through so much in life, it helps me to remember that I cannot control everything and that I need him throughout every step in life.)