The people are waking up! Found on Linkedin of all places.
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I've been seeing a lot of surprisingly based stuff on LinkedIn lately.
That is surprising. I don't bother with it - I have an account, in case I get laid off and have to look for a job again, it's such a pain in the ass to remake that thing, so I just leave it up. But I never use it. It all looks so left leaning it's not worth the energy most times. But if people there are starting to wake up, that's definitely a good thing!
linked in itself is leftist, easy to see by their top stories. The commenters are mixed. Of course in clown world it is safer to make a libtarded statement, but some still speak out.
Yeah I don't bother with that; nobody on there needs to know what I'm thinking or where I stand. Honestly, aside from this site, I don't do any social media at all. I'd rather let them all guess about where I stand.
I am with you, I run a business, I dont type anything political into linkedin. I dont have any other social media.
It would have been so entertaining if the leftist bill had passed - then we could have seen all (most) of the states telling the federal government to fuck off. So blatantly unconstitutional, and no mechanism to enforce it at all.
Remember when garland tried to butt into the AZ audit, and the AZ officials told them if they touched a single ballot they would spend time in an AZ prison... that is what I am talking about.
Professional wrestling is the perfect analogy for modern American politics, especially in regards to the two party system.
My dad was talking about this in the 80s. Hard for a 10 yr old to grasp the depth and breadth of corruption when people are calling the source a conspiracist.
exactly why the cia (cabal) coined the term conspiracy theory.