You shouldn’t need to argue the Bible with a ‘Christian’’. Obviously there are some issues there. I won’t profess to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, but I fear the Lord enough not to challenge His perfect, God breathed and inspired Word. I cannot comprehend everything in it - who can? We are all creatures who cannot fathom those things of which we have not seen or personally experienced. What man could tell you to go catch a fish and reach into the mouth of the first for a coin for to pay your taxes? What man could take a few small loaves and fishes and feed 5000+.? Rest assured the Bible is FULL of supernatural happenings of which should cause all but those who come to him as children (not fully understanding but fully trusting) to find very troubling to say the least.
You shouldn’t need to argue the Bible with a ‘Christian’’. Obviously there are some issues there. I won’t profess to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, but I fear the Lord enough not to challenge His perfect, God breathed and inspired Word. I cannot comprehend everything in it - who can? We are all creatures who cannot fathom those things of which we have not seen or personally experienced. What man could tell you to go catch a fish and reach into the mouth of the first for a coin for to pay your taxes? What man could take a few small loaves and fishes and feed 5000+.? Rest assured the Bible is FULL of supernatural happenings of which should cause all but those who come to him as children (not fully understanding but fully trusting) to find very troubling to say the least.