vax mind control - they're not even hiding it any more. Agenda2030
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Here in Australia,the Federal and State Governments,and the MSM are already starting to prepare the population for mandatory vaccination. The already vaxxed are joining in to force the unvaxxed to comply to "save the nation"
Australia has at present a low vaccine take up,with about less than 29% vaxxed, and the majority of these people only have one dose.
The shinning light is the unions,especially the health care and aged care unions are pushing back hard. These workers don't want to be vaxxed.
This could get quite interesting.
that's good news fren!
Yeah,it's really good.It drives the vaxxed nuts.
I'll have to research it a more,but I heard on the radio that the 4 countries with the lowest vaxx rates in the OECD are I think in descending order, Japan,South Korea, Australia and the worst New Zealand.
These countries will be singled out and pressured to comply.
That would be the worst thing the DS could do as the people in these countries can be very stubborn and determined not to be pushed around.
This could get very interesting!
it's fkn scary. times like these i wish we had guns.
We can still get them.We might have to join a gun club.I'm in Sydney and there are a lot of rifle ranges around and plenty of gun clubs.
If you are in the bush,it is much easier.
I did a web search on the Sporting Shooters Association a while ago and the number of legal guns was something like 1.5 million. The number of illegal guns was estimated to be something like 3 to 4 million.
Mostly in the possession of good,honest,law abiding Patriotic Australians.
There is hope for us yet. Never give up hope,fren.
This is only what the WEF will admit to doing to program people, because the rest is illegal. This is not ordinary persuasion, like Coke vs. Pepsi. When vaxxed people hear counter-arguments, their eyes glaze over, and you can tell they tune out. Katherine Austin Fitts has done some interesting things on brain entrainment. Tones, frequencies and lights are all used to create a type of mass hypnosis, which is probably played on TV and radio.
Yeah but imo they are super behind on vaxxs thats why they are pushing them that hard this is very very high levels of desperation on part pf the deep state