If America goes down,Australia won't last very long. The CCP desire Australia and all the resources this country has. A lot of those resources,such as the rare earths
and uranium are critical to the free world and especially the US.
I can't see the US Military destroying themselves and their own country.
At present the US is still the most powerful country in the world.As Trump was
telling all the free world leaders,the US shouldn't have to be the world's policeman
by itself while other countries sit back while the US does all the heavy lifting.
With it's main allies,the US is unbeatable as alot of the US allies act as force multipliers to enhance and strengthen our combined power.
I realise this situation is getting very alarming at present as we are being pushed to
the precipice and it is becoming quite terrifying that something extremely bad may
Try to stay positive and watch and wait. We just have to see how it pans out in the
US.While we are waiting,we also have to hope our idiots in Australia don't start
doing stupid stuff like making vaccines mandatory and other really stupid stuff like
you described about the infrastructure for the social control systems. What a nightmare that would be!
Don't write off the Australian Armed Forces,they realise that Australia can survive
with America's assistance and the alternative of the world under control of the Cabal/DS and the New World Order is an unthinkable proposition.
Never give up hope,they haven't got us yet,we'll get through this mess.
You have hit the nail on the head there,fren. Just like the US,and in a lot of other places,we have a uniparty type system.
It doesn't matter who you vote for,you get screwed. The only difference is that the Labor Party screws you quicker than the other monsters.
In Australia,we badly need A Great Awakening before it's too late and the CCP decides to take up permanent residence.
If America goes down,Australia won't last very long. The CCP desire Australia and all the resources this country has. A lot of those resources,such as the rare earths and uranium are critical to the free world and especially the US.
I can't see the US Military destroying themselves and their own country. At present the US is still the most powerful country in the world.As Trump was telling all the free world leaders,the US shouldn't have to be the world's policeman by itself while other countries sit back while the US does all the heavy lifting.
With it's main allies,the US is unbeatable as alot of the US allies act as force multipliers to enhance and strengthen our combined power.
I realise this situation is getting very alarming at present as we are being pushed to the precipice and it is becoming quite terrifying that something extremely bad may happen.
Try to stay positive and watch and wait. We just have to see how it pans out in the US.While we are waiting,we also have to hope our idiots in Australia don't start doing stupid stuff like making vaccines mandatory and other really stupid stuff like you described about the infrastructure for the social control systems. What a nightmare that would be!
Don't write off the Australian Armed Forces,they realise that Australia can survive with America's assistance and the alternative of the world under control of the Cabal/DS and the New World Order is an unthinkable proposition.
Never give up hope,they haven't got us yet,we'll get through this mess.