Thank you for the updates! Please make them frequently.
Have been watching closely, as this is a test of what "they" do to combat recall efforts. How far will "they" go?
It's about learning about entrenchment.
[inˈtren(t)SHmənt, enˈtren(t)SHmənt]
the process or fact of an attitude, habit, or belief becoming so firmly established that change is very difficult or unlikely.
"this book demonstrates the entrenchment of certain views and paradigms in financial history" · [more]
a trench or system of trenches dug by troops to provide a place of shelter from enemy fire.
"the English dug entrenchments and moved forward"
Not sure what the point of this exercise is given that our state has seen zero reform of our voting systems. How can we reform the system before this vote?
Larry Elder for the win. I hope that dude swoops in and makes California great again.
How does it work? How do the people get to choose who replaces him exactly? Better not be from a group of people handpicked by them bches.
Candidates put their names in. Same as a presidential in that sense.
please Kanye, no ideas.
I am praying for CA Patriots.
Thank you for the updates! Please make them frequently.
Have been watching closely, as this is a test of what "they" do to combat recall efforts. How far will "they" go?
It's about learning about entrenchment.
Who's going to be on the ballot?
Not sure what the point of this exercise is given that our state has seen zero reform of our voting systems. How can we reform the system before this vote?