posted ago by Q20191776 ago by Q20191776 +362 / -2

This morning, I read 1 Corinthians 2. It's a really interesting chapter written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth (a city at that time fraught with corruption (sound familiar?)).

Anyway, as I was reading the study note for 1 Corinthians 2:9, it hit me. Now don't laugh at me. Here's what the study note writers wrote:

Study Note 2:9 [My comments in brackets...]

We cannot imagine all that God has in store for us, both in this life and for eternity. He will create a new heaven and a new earth (Isaiah 65:17...[yes, 17]; Revelation 21:1), and we will live with him forever. Until then, his Holy Spirit [Of Truth] comforts and guides us. Knowing the wonderful and eternal future that awaits us gives us hope and courage to press on in this life, to endure hardship, and to avoid giving in to temptation. This world is not all there is. The best is yet to come.

Here is the scripture 1 Corinthians 2:9, as I read it from the NIV Bible my Mom gave to me June 22, 2004 (17, yes 17, years ago):

9However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,

what no ear has heard,

and what no human mind has conceived”—

the things God has prepared for those who love him—


This made my day.

I hope your day is Blessed also.