I know this isn’t a self help group and what not, but I’m trying to eat better, make a better living, change and create better habits, be motivated to work out and stay disciplined to tasks and a schedule.
Im just an average middle class joe, not in a bad spot and my debt is revolving (paid off every month). But I want to reach certain goals for years but can’t seem to find the motivation to reach those goals.
Biggest hurdle is WANTING to go to the gym in the morning. Need to prime my mindset somehow but default mindset is that gym is burden rather than gym is pleasure.
I hate the gym, so it's one of the reasons I don't go. I do, however, enjoy working out. Go buy a few dumbbells and look up some exercises with them. Listen to music, dance, and throw the freeweights around, try to have fun. If you find yourself sitting around at home, you can just do an exercise or two, it only takes 20-30 min to get some good work in. It's much harder to make up excuses to not do it when it's sitting right in front of you and you don't have to go anywhere.
Every morning I have a shake made with a little peanut butter, milk, a banana, and this: https://www.lean1.com
Provides good protein and nutrition. Eat less carbs and sugar, and more protein. If you work out hard, eat protein like mad. If you have to eat carbs, make it 100% whole grain if possible.
I made these changes to my lifestyle about four months ago and I'm in the best shape of my life.
True. And thanks for the links. I will check it out