The same thing is happening in other languages due to computers and cell phone use. The letters of the Latin alphabet make it easy to use these devices compared to languages that use ideograms, like Japanese, Korean,and Chinese. It not only keeps all of us from reading documents like the Declaratiom, but it also impacts the ability with us to connect to our individual past.
For example, in genealogy, you might find a document, like an immigration form, census, or even a letter written in cursive. This younger generation might be cut off from the connections to their ancestors. I have done genealogy indexing,where you are making digital indexes for scans of records. Reading old German script or French orthography is hard!
One of the things this reminds me of is a passage in the Bible where it says the,wicked will be left without root or branch. To me, it means they lose the connections to their family in the past and the future. Reading and writing cursive has been cut out of our schools in the name of STEM. Humanities have been relegated to the back seat because they don’t make the Cabal money.
The same thing is happening in other languages due to computers and cell phone use. The letters of the Latin alphabet make it easy to use these devices compared to languages that use ideograms, like Japanese, Korean,and Chinese. It not only keeps all of us from reading documents like the Declaratiom, but it also impacts the ability with us to connect to our individual past.
For example, in genealogy, you might find a document, like an immigration form, census, or even a letter written in cursive. This younger generation might be cut off from the connections to their ancestors. I have done genealogy indexing,where you are making digital indexes for scans of records. Reading old German script or French orthography is hard!
One of the things this reminds me of is a passage in the Bible where it says the,wicked will be left without root or branch. To me, it means they lose the connections to their family in the past and the future. Reading and writing cursive has been cut out of our schools in the name of STEM. Humanities have been relegated to the back seat because they don’t make the Cabal money.
I didn't think about genealogy, wow, you're right.