u/IntrovertQTard : Thing is that person which is behind this video rather promotes "race war" than solutions against it like Q.
Whose propaganda is it and why it is important question ?
What could be result of civil war in USA ?
What is "marxist" or heglian principle of "unity of opposites" ?
Link of those rule above to Ethel lilian voynich book "the gadfly" ?
Who is exactly Aquino ?
Where are mentioned O9A ?
Why kek meme as a "deity" on chans - and what deity ? Clue: Aquino ?
("Memes are important" - Q)
Who were exactly anons Q was talking first ?
Why exactly they ?
Many reasons,but one is masterpiece of tactics why exactly they and there.
I think responding to those "questions" and asking it is important so I was trying to make those "questions" Q-style. Try to answer that - homework for you and anybody able to research. Maybe it is nothing,maybe it is big part of the puzzle ?
Read again what I wrote.Answer questions yourself.
There is a reason why Q posted on chans. There is a message in video you post, message you neither see nor understand - or you neither understood nor researched Q.
too much race mixing and the white race will be gone.
There is only one race.Human race. And genetics prove it. Of course people with african origin are most genetically diverse oldest subgroup not having some very important traits inherited,but still difference isn't so big. Pigmentation proves almost nothing alone. Well - there are of course statistics,but to learn the truth with it you shall be able to use it first properly.
Telling about "white genocide" is oversimplification of thing really happening. Inbreed islamic sand monkeys and other semites are officially too belonging to "white race" XD This war against people of European origin (so also white Americans) is not about "race",it is about European origin. So go deeper. What is important about that ? Auntie Oriana was rather left wing,but wrote some fascinating essays - "The Force of Reason" and "The Rage and The Pride" - were you reading it by the way ? Why our cultures and nations are so important is the key to question why somebody wants to eliminate us. It is not race war.It is culture war. Or (anti)"cultural revolution"...
Actually, you n ed to go back and do some research on the genetics aspect. We may all be able to corss breed, but we are not all the same race. White Europeans did not migrate from Africa. Asians did not migrate from Africa. Neither did the S. Americans or the Indigenous Tribes of N. America. Their timeline is way off to produce the kind of genetic variances we see today.
I suggest finding Richard Sepehr's work on this. Just like a tiger and lion can interbreed and create a liger, the various human races can interbreed and create hybrids, as well.
Also, [they] know this, understand this, and are making sure to breed the White European descendants out of existence. It IS FACT that [they] want the White Race exterminated from the planet. Let me ask you this: how many positive and beneficial inventions have come from the other races? There's a very real reason why you won't find nearly as many as from the White Race. It "may" sound "racially biased," but it's true.
Now, I'm not saying whites are better, smarter, or more ingenious than the rest of the races. But we have been at the forefront of progressing humanity down the right paths, only to be forced to fight for our very survival today.
You're falling into the traps laid out before us by [them]. It needs to stop.
I read your comment. So it is a culture war? Why is culture and nations so important? What I understood from the video is (((they))) hate the white race (for reasons I don't know) and want breed the white race out of existence via multiculturalism, mixed breeding. I don't know everything, I'm still learning btw.
Your homework. As I said - auntie Oriana. Oriana Fallaci. You have books above,read it. America and Europe = European Civilization.
Reason: Control. After reading answer question:
Who is most dangerous for wannabe tyrants wanting to rule the world and why ?
Again answer other questions too:
**Whose propaganda is it and why it is important question ? **
What could be result of civil war in USA ?
What is "marxist" or heglian principle of "unity of opposites" ?
Link of those rule above to Ethel lilian voynich book "the gadfly" ?
Who is exactly Aquino ?
Where are mentioned O9A ?
Why kek meme as a "deity" on chans - and what deity ? Clue: Aquino ?
("Memes are important" - Q)
Who were exactly anons Q was talking first ?
Why exactly they ? Many reasons,but one is masterpiece of tactics why exactly they and there.
But first - come back to video. What you see in video ? Elements,symbols etc.
Why puppets are mentioned as most important - not the puppeteers ? Blacks are used as puppets - by whom ? Only mentioned in video,but accent is on blacks. What purpose it could have ?
u/IntrovertQTard : Thing is that person which is behind this video rather promotes "race war" than solutions against it like Q.
Whose propaganda is it and why it is important question ? What could be result of civil war in USA ? What is "marxist" or heglian principle of "unity of opposites" ? Link of those rule above to Ethel lilian voynich book "the gadfly" ? Who is exactly Aquino ? Where are mentioned O9A ? Why kek meme as a "deity" on chans - and what deity ? Clue: Aquino ?
Who were exactly anons Q was talking first ? Why exactly they ? Many reasons,but one is masterpiece of tactics why exactly they and there.
I think responding to those "questions" and asking it is important so I was trying to make those "questions" Q-style. Try to answer that - homework for you and anybody able to research. Maybe it is nothing,maybe it is big part of the puzzle ?
Not race wars. It just does not promote multi culturalism and race mixing, too much race mixing and the white race will be gone.
Read again what I wrote.Answer questions yourself.
There is a reason why Q posted on chans. There is a message in video you post, message you neither see nor understand - or you neither understood nor researched Q.
There is only one race.Human race. And genetics prove it. Of course people with african origin are most genetically diverse oldest subgroup not having some very important traits inherited,but still difference isn't so big. Pigmentation proves almost nothing alone. Well - there are of course statistics,but to learn the truth with it you shall be able to use it first properly.
Telling about "white genocide" is oversimplification of thing really happening. Inbreed islamic sand monkeys and other semites are officially too belonging to "white race" XD This war against people of European origin (so also white Americans) is not about "race",it is about European origin. So go deeper. What is important about that ? Auntie Oriana was rather left wing,but wrote some fascinating essays - "The Force of Reason" and "The Rage and The Pride" - were you reading it by the way ? Why our cultures and nations are so important is the key to question why somebody wants to eliminate us. It is not race war.It is culture war. Or (anti)"cultural revolution"...
Actually, you n ed to go back and do some research on the genetics aspect. We may all be able to corss breed, but we are not all the same race. White Europeans did not migrate from Africa. Asians did not migrate from Africa. Neither did the S. Americans or the Indigenous Tribes of N. America. Their timeline is way off to produce the kind of genetic variances we see today.
I suggest finding Richard Sepehr's work on this. Just like a tiger and lion can interbreed and create a liger, the various human races can interbreed and create hybrids, as well.
Also, [they] know this, understand this, and are making sure to breed the White European descendants out of existence. It IS FACT that [they] want the White Race exterminated from the planet. Let me ask you this: how many positive and beneficial inventions have come from the other races? There's a very real reason why you won't find nearly as many as from the White Race. It "may" sound "racially biased," but it's true.
Now, I'm not saying whites are better, smarter, or more ingenious than the rest of the races. But we have been at the forefront of progressing humanity down the right paths, only to be forced to fight for our very survival today.
You're falling into the traps laid out before us by [them]. It needs to stop.
I read your comment. So it is a culture war? Why is culture and nations so important? What I understood from the video is (((they))) hate the white race (for reasons I don't know) and want breed the white race out of existence via multiculturalism, mixed breeding. I don't know everything, I'm still learning btw.
Your homework. As I said - auntie Oriana. Oriana Fallaci. You have books above,read it. America and Europe = European Civilization.
Reason: Control. After reading answer question: Who is most dangerous for wannabe tyrants wanting to rule the world and why ?
Again answer other questions too:
But first - come back to video. What you see in video ? Elements,symbols etc. Why puppets are mentioned as most important - not the puppeteers ? Blacks are used as puppets - by whom ? Only mentioned in video,but accent is on blacks. What purpose it could have ?
Questions,questions questions. Because as Q said: